Rocko modern life hidden messages
Rocko modern life hidden messages

Not so good for Rocko but a boon for those of us who love his over-the-top crazy adventures that far from being brainless and silly, come with a great deal of insight and cleverness, commenting with gleeful colourfulness on the human condition (or let’s be fair, the wallaby condition.) Not by choice mainly life has simply refused to play by Rocko’s rules, besetting with him with well-meaning but unhelpful friends, a near-constant exposure to Murphy’s Law, and an elusive sense of zen and calm content. Taking a leaf out of the manic hilarity of Looney Tunes and turning the existential goofiness up to a billion, everyone’s favourite life-challenged wallaby has always walked on the chaotic wild side of life. One of the great delights of Rocko’s Modern Life, one of the great cartoons of Nickolodeon’s ’90s line-up which is finding new life in comics and on the screen again, has always been its devotion to anarchic silliness.

Rocko modern life hidden messages